Sunday, July 13, 2008

Mississippi Street Fair!

It was a long day on Mississippi yesterday, but it was fun! Temperatures got into the 90's so it was really hot, but luckily our booth was snug against some bushes on the East side of the street so we were in the shade for most of the day. Here's a shot of our booth!

My friend and booth-mate, Danielle, organizing her earrings and stitch markers. At the end of the day I bought a stunning pair of her earrings--they are very dramatic, I can't wait to wear them! She has two great etsy shops--MissPurl and PoeticPurl.

Here's my half of the booth, with Nancy of Karma's Kreations sitting to the side. It is always fun to see her--I was happy to find that she was our neighbor for the day.

Here is a shot of Mississippi Ave. all the way down the street! The crowd is stunning. That lady doesn't look too happy that she's in my picture, though :) Across the street from us was the fabulous Fresh Pot coffeehouse, with a Starbucks under construction in the same building right next door!! Appalling. Apparently I'm not the only one to think so, as there was a group of people doing anti-Starbucks performance art in front all day long. I am sorry that I didn't get a photo of it. I'm also sorry that I didn't take a photo of my amazing sandwich--grilled portabello mushroom with pesto, basil, and feta cheese.....drool.... It was just too yummy to stop and take a picture.


Tamara said...

Congrats on the fair! Looks like a huge turnout! Anti-Starbucks performance? That sounds intriguing!

Cherry Lane Jane said...

I am glad you had so much fun! I should do a fair one of these days and get my but out of the house:)~

Anonymous said...

booth looks great! good for you for getting out there!

Caroline said...

That looks like a lot of fun!

And your sandwich made me drool a little... I'm starving!

Anonymous said...

Its not a Starbucks just another failed attempt by someone at making a statement. Its Mississippi Records telling everyone that their consumerism is below them. Last time I checked they exchanged goods for money - - - hmmm. Hence the annoying piped in KennyG style jazz (that apparently noone noticed until I said something about it). I like to imagine the owners sitting in 'quiet protest' while eating ribs (that were awesome) in the beer garden talking about how stupid everyone is.

Anonymous said...

I am 99% sure that the Starbucks display was a commentary on the fair by the owner of the record store. Last year he put up a FU sign in his storefront.

maoiliosa said...

yay! you'll have to tell me how well you did :). that crowd looks intimidating, but man, i can't wait to be there selling my stuff alongside you, too! i'll take 90 degree oregon over 100 degree texas anyday ;).

the starbucks here in marble falls (very small town) is very nice; the people are super friendly, and they aren't running the local coffee shops out of business. but generally i have a BIG problem with that, like in the case of the coffee shop you spoke of :(.

Anonymous said...

looks like so much fun, i cant wait until i am ready to do things like that...i just dont have the time for all the creating right now!

anti starbucks, awesome...maybe i knew them haha

LeaKarts said...

Interesting input about the Starbucks! I don't have anything personal against Starbucks, but if they really are going in right next door to a local place, that really sucks.

Kristen said...

Oh how fun, I love street fairs! Nice pictures :)

Jean Levert Hood said...

Lea, I love a street fair! I'm sure that 90 degrees was about 90% humidity, too!

Now, that sandwich....Yum!

erinberry said...

Your booth looks great!

KarmasKreations said...

It was fun being your booth neighbor again! Thanks for sharing your ice cubes with me; it was a scorcher. Glad I didn't know I was in some of your pics, or I would have somehow managed to make awful faces.