Tuesday, September 02, 2008


Wow, I know it sounds cliche to say this, but the months are flying by. What happened to August?!? Indigo is starting 3rd grade tomorrow! My poor little blog has been seriously neglected. Time for a review of my August goals:

*I managed to stay calm during my show at the Show & Tell Gallery, despite a massive crowd! It was really fun, and I sold a couple of pieces at the closing reception at the end of the month.
*I also had a great attitude about the PDX Etsy show, and actually had better sales than any other fair so far this year!
*I worked on my grant application, but didn't finish it yet. I don't know what my block is--the application is not that complex >:(
*I also have not applied for more fine art shows yet--time to get on it!

*Thanks to some of the amazing people in my life, I did find extra funding for supplies, as well as some great ideas on where to buy them!
*I created--and sold out!--shrinky-dink magnet diy kits, and created a bunch of great altered art kits as well!
*I destashed a number of my own supplies, and created a new section in my shop specifically for destash & limited items!

As for September, I am hesitant to post my goals for the month. I have been going through some personal issues that have distracted me from a lot of things, so my primary goal for the month is to deal with those issues. I have 2 shows this month (more to come on that!), so I need to increase my stock for the 2nd one. Beyond that, my goal is to prepare both of my shops for the holidays, increase my inventory in both, and go over my business finances to see where they can be tightened up. Which also means lots of blog posts to come! :)

1 comment:

maoiliosa said...
