Thursday, June 04, 2009

New Portrait of the Buckman Elementary School Chorus

"Buckman Chorus" by Lea Keohane, 2009. All Rights Reserved.

Every year the parents of the children in the Buckman Chorus like to present Regina Pirruccello, head of the chorus as well as drama/music teacher at Buckman, with a really nice gift. This year I was deeply honored when they approached me to do a portrait of Regina with the children in the chorus. There are 90 children involved, so it was impossible with only a week's time to include all of them, but I really wanted Regina to be the highlight of the portrait anyway. Ellen Regal, another Buckman parent as well as a photographer, was kind enough to let me use her photographs of the chorus as a reference. The final portrait comes from a composite of about 5 of her photos altogether.

If you are interested in having me do a portrait for you, send me an email at You can view for examples of my portraiture (including pet portraits!) here.


maoiliosa said...

that portrait is freakin' awesome! great job! :D

Ms.March said...

WOW - this is amazing! I'm afriad she might faint when she sees it!

LeaKarts said...

Heehee! Well, she didn't faint, but I think from her reaction it's fair to say that she really likes it! Yay!

katherynei said...

It's wonderful! What a great gift, and one that she can enjoy forever.

cjbc said...

That is wonderful, Lea! I love it! Great job!